
Who We Are ?

A brief description of the company and services in Faraz Andisheh Fatech

Faraz Andisheh Fatech Company (Fatech) is a knowledge-based company based on a lot of research carried out over the past years until now with the approach of producing and designing advanced materials and nano materials. This company has been established with a strong background in research for the purpose of synthesizing a variety of nano compounds with the aim of meeting the growing needs of the industry and research centered on high-tech products. Fatek has produced a wide range of high-quality nanomaterials and advanced materials, and by taking advantage of research in partnership with the university, it has compiled technical knowledge packages regarding the development and improvement of engineering and chemical materials with high technology. The aim of this company is to supply materials and nano products with the best quality and continuous communication with various industries according to the need for advanced materials. We are here to present you a new world regarding nanomaterials and to enable you to entrust your research and development in the field of advanced materials to us by receiving technical know-how packages.

  • Production line
  • Knowledge protection and management system
  • Technical and engineering consulting
  • Research and development unit
  • Optimization
  • Industrial coaching
  • Technical and engineering consulting

Our Team

Meet the team of engineers

The main team of Fatech company consists of expert experts in the field of nanomaterials synthesis, faculty members of top universities and their research teams. The experts and expert specialists of this group have expertise in various fields such as synthesis and characterization and production of high-tech equipment, and with the presence of economic experts, the company has been able to carry out the economic review of reference plans for the production of high-tech chemicals that are not produced in the country. has taken important steps in the development of this industry. The experts and specialists of this collection, through years of study and research regarding the synthesis of various compounds, now have the ability to provide new and innovative solutions regarding improving the quality and upgrading of products. During the continuous scientific activities, the experts of this company have presented new methods to develop the synthesis of engineering materials. Therefore, they now have the ability to respond to various needs and requests in the field of academic and traditional research.

Dr.Mohammad Velashjerdi


Dr.Meysam Soleymani



Why Choose Us ?


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